The AGEFRIENDLY-DESIGN project proposes to develop an online course focused on the design of human‐centered workplaces that are conceived taking into account the reality of an ageimg workforce. The initiative is based on the integration of knowledge from different areas like ergonomics, human‐centered design, design of work environments, safety and health at work and active ageing at the workplace.

The aim of this course is to provide tools, recommendations and design criteria with the aim of improving health, comfort and efficiency of aged workers through the ergonomic suitability of these. And give professionals the necessary knowledge to design or to propose improvements at workplaces, as well as to provide criteria to determine which requirements must be met new equipment or tools to be used by aged‐people. All this information is articulated from the perspective of ergonomics, with the aim of adjusting products and environments to the capabilities of aged people.

The specific objectives of the course are the following:

  • To know the areas of application of ergonomics.
  • To define the concept of active ageing.
  • To study the basic ergonomic criteria to consider in design of workplaces.
  • To study the impact of ageing on the balance between physical workload and physical capacity of workers.
  • To know the most important changes in functional capacity of aged people and how it can affect to the performance at workplace, when the Ergonomics criteria are applied in the design of the workplaces.

These training materials will be innovatively implemented at the open-source UPV[X]MOOC platform (