MSDs are an increasing problem and one of the most important causes of long‐term sickness absences. Beside the effects on workers themselves, MSDs may lead to high costs to enterprises and society as a whole. The main causes of MSDs are related to ergonomic design of the workplaces and with the working conditions. Age can be also an additional factor, because when people becomes older it’s more sensitive to inadequate working conditions.

Therefore, an appropriate design of worksites will reduce MSDs of workers and increase their performance, getting best results for the company and reducing social and company costs.

AGEFRIENDLY‐DESIGN aims to provide training in ergonomics criteria to be easier identifying potential problems and find effective solutions to avoid Musculoskeletal Disorders at workplaces, giving much more importance to the human dimension and capabilities. Putting people on the centre of the companies, it will provide a stimulating environment for the employees, and will get the most from their knowledge, skills and cultural background, in particular through life‐long learning and training. This approach would lead European industry to make a qualitative leap towards new people‐centred and knowledge‐based production workplaces which take into account the constraints of the workforce, for example those of aged workers.

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